


Peace of mind in a visible way

Balanced vitamin nutrition

Vitamin deficiencies and imbalances have an adverse effect on growth and health. Providing the best vitamin nutrition in poultry diets can lay the foundation for better animal performance – leading to stronger growth and greater profitability.

Bone strength

Birds with strong skeletons tend to thrive. Vitamin D3 is a nutrient that promotes bone growth, which results in stronger bones and healthier birds, and ultimately higher survival rate and better animal performance.

Brighter yolks

Canthaxanthin is a feed additive which allows egg producers to achieve precise control of egg yolk color. A high level of accuracy over pigmentation can be achieved through the use of certain compositional formulation of pigmentation.

Perfect pigmentation

The shade of chicken skin is an important marketing factor. Canthaxanthin allows producers to align the shade of skin exactly to what is required.


Methionine is an essential amino acid in chicken feed. As the first limiting amino acid for laying hens, its insufficiencies will make the other amino acids unusable regardless of their abundant amount. Methionine can be used as a nutrient fortifier for protein feed. When the body leverages other amino acids, it is limited by the amount of methionine. The lack of methionine in the feed will cause slow growth, growth stagnation, weight loss, and reduced feed digestion and utilization.The effect of methionine on the immunity of chickens is to increase the level of antibodies produced by chickens substantially, which can significantly increase the transformation of lymphocytes, antibody titers, and the number of immunoglobulins. Lack of methionine will reduce the overall antibody level of the flock, thereby inducing viruses.Methionine also affects the egg weight. An appropriate amount of methionine in the feed can maintain the egg weight and a nice egg shape.

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