

Vitamin B6

Products Introduction

Basic information

Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is composed of a group of three compounds: pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine, which exist in its phosphorylated form in the body. As a water-soluble vitamin, it acts as a component of some coenzymes in human bodies responsible for a great many metabolic reactions.

Edges of NHU

Favorable atom economy: our product is produced via the phosphorus-free process, which uses phosgene as a substitute of phosphorus oxychloride (or solid triphosgene). This essentially eliminates the discharge of wastewater containing phosphorus and mainly produce sodium chloride and waste gas carbon dioxide as byproducts, which can be easily treated. Compared with the process using phosphorus oxychloride, our method reduces 1250 tons of sodium chloride and over 5500 tons of phosphate production per year.

More advanced technology: this process is the first of its kind in China. Our proprietary technology of VB6 synthesis owns over 20 patents related with the synthesis of VB6 and its intermediates. With unceasing technological R&D, we have reached world-class level in all fronts, including process, environmental protection and product quality.

Safer process: the conventional process uses benzene as the solvent, while NHU uses low-toxic solvent as a replacement, which reduces the harm to people and the environment, and improves the product quality by reducing the benzene content introduced from the solvent in the product.

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