

Advancing Through Science and Technology - Unveiling the Nutritional Secrets of Aquaculture!


On April 12th, the NHU 2024 Aquatic Nutrition Symposium was held in Guangzhou, attracting many suppliers and partners to address the challenges and key issues in aquaculture. Participants convened to explore specialized nutrition strategies aimed at fostering the thriving development of the aquaculture sector.


Part.01 What are we doing about animal nutrition?

Topic: Exploring NHU – Introduction of NHU Animal Nutrition

Top-tier products, Comprehensive Service Offerings

Dr. Jiang Zhirong presented an overview of NHU's animal nutrition sector. Positioned as a significant global provider of feed additives, NHU's core objective revolves around "ensuring ample nutritional support for human health". Leveraging robust R&D capabilities and advanced equipment and technology, NHU delves into comprehensive research on the challenges and bottlenecks within the farming sector, expands its product portfolio, and facilitates the high-quality advancement of the farming industry through efficient nutritional solutions. Currently, NHU has delivered scientific and specialized animal nutrition solutions to partners across more than 100 countries and regions, assisting farmers in increasing their income and enhancing quality of life.


Part.02 How can nutritional management alleviate stress in aquatic animals?

Topic: Managing Stress in Aquatic Animals through Nutrition

Vitamin C and Taurine Benefiting Aquaculture

Stress is a prevalent physiological condition in aquatic animals, hindering their growth and reproductive activities. Consequently, enhancing aquaculture animals' resilience to stress has become a critical necessity in the aquaculture industry, with nutritional management emerging as the fundamental and most effective approach. Dr. Gong Yangyang elaborated on the nutritional management strategy for fish and shrimp during stress periods, emphasizing the significant physiological effects of nutrients such as vitamin C and taurine, which play a crucial role in enhancing the stress resistance and disease immunity of aquatic animals. By carefully balancing dosage and employing them correctly, these nutrients can yield optimal results, effectively alleviating the stress experienced by aquatic animals, promoting healthy growth, and ultimately enhancing overall aquaculture efficiency.

Part. 03 How to control the cost when the price of fishmeal is rising?

Topic: The Value of NHU’s SCP in Aquatic Feed

Premium Protein Sources Other Than Fishmeal

In recent years, the combination of declining fishmeal supply and increasing demand has driven up prices significantly, becoming a key factor in the increase of farming costs. Consequently, the development of new proteins via microbial synthesis has emerged as a focal point in global research endeavors. NHU's bacterial protein, engineered and manufactured in response to market needs, boasts natural, safe, and highly nutritious qualities with full traceability, offering farmers a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly option for feed. Test results across various breeding animals indicate that adding NHU's SCP into aquatic feed can effectively reduce the reliance on fishmeal without compromising growth, feed efficiency, or health metrics. This innovation plays a pivotal role in optimizing the cost structure of the aquaculture industry, thereby enhancing its profitability.


Part.04 Are you using astaxanthin for aquaculture feeding correctly?

Topic: Application of Carotenoids in Aquaculture

Astaxanthin Benefits Aquatic Animals Beyond Enhancing Color

Professor Han Tao presented research findings on astaxanthin, an important carotenoid, and its applications in aquatic animal nutrition. Adding astaxanthin into feed not only enhances the coloration of aquatic animals, resulting in vibrant and vivid appearances across their body surface, muscles, scales, and exoskeleton, but also enhances the absorption and utilization of nutrients in their feed. This promotes protein synthesis, muscle growth, and reduces feed conversion ratios. Furthermore, astaxanthin acts as a potent antioxidant, greatly improving the antioxidant capacity, stress resistance, and disease resistance of aquatic animals, thereby positively impacting their overall health. NHU's astaxanthin product is a high-quality equivalent of natural astaxanthin tailored for aquatic use, demonstrates effective application in both fish and shrimp.


Face-to-Face Question and Answer

Following each presentation, the experts patiently answered questions and engaged in thorough discussions regarding the practical application of the products and the report's contents. The atmosphere was cordial, exchanges were lively, and everyone left feeling enriched by the discussions.


The successful symposium marks the start of another fresh venture. Collaborating with our industry partners, NHU is committed to furthering the innovation and utilization of animal nutrition products, fostering a robust and sustainable supply system, and collectively forging a promising future for animal nutrition and well-being.

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