

Taurine, a lubricant for life


With the social and economic development,

Faster pace of life, and fiercer competition,

People are more stressed and tired,

And the problem of sub-health has become ever more prominent.


Taurine, which can boost immunity and relieve fatigue has therefore been gaining traction among consumers, and is widely used in daily food, beverage, and dietary supplement to strengthen food nutrition to meet people’s needs.

First found in bovine bile, taurine is a β-amino acid converted from sulfur-containing amino acid that occurs in all tissues and organs of human body in free state, especially in the nervous system, heart, brain, liver, muscle and retina.

Taurine can be produced endogenously or obtained from food. The main pathway of endogenous biosynthesis of taurine is cysteine sulfinate (the intermediate product of the metabolism of methionine and cysteine) - hypotaurine (through decarboxylase) – taurine (through oxidization). Marine animals and plants are sources of taurine-rich foods, such as sea fish, seashell, sea plant, cuttlefish, octopus, shrimp, oysters, sea snail, and clam.


Lubricant for the brain

Taurine is a medium that promotes the information transmission among neurons (nerve cells) in the brain, playing an important role for the development of brain neurons. It also stimulates the absorption of lipids, calcium, and vitamins, effectively improving anorexia and malnutrition. For the immune system, it promotes the growth and reproduction of immune lymphocytes, enhances the phagocytosis of neutrophil over bacteria and viruses, and boosts the immunity of children. However, infants and young children can hardly synthesize taurine as their enzyme system have not been fully developed, thus requiring additional supplement.


Lubricant for the eyes

Located in the retina, visual cells of human body can turn photic stimuli into nerve impulses. As the most abundant amino acids in the retina (accounting for 40%-50% of the total free amino acids in the retina), taurine plays a key role for nerve conduction, and the appropriate supplementation of taurine can enhance nerve conduction and visual function.

Lubricant for the mind

When fatigued, problems like depletion of substance of energy source, imbalance of water and salt metabolism, increase of free radicals, and decrease of biofilm fluidity will occur, resulting in poor mental status. Taurine can regulate metabolism, refresh the mind, and relieve fatigue through functions like increasing the reserve of energy substance, regulating the balance of ions inside and outside the cells, and antioxidation, making it a main functional ingredient of sports drinks.


Lubricant for the cardiovascular system

As a special amino acid, taurine can inhibit platelet agglutination and lower blood lipids in the circulatory system, maintaining normal blood pressure and preventing atherosclerosis; it also helps to protect the cardiomyocytes and resist arrhythmia, effectively reduces blood cholesterol, and can be used to treat heart failure.

Quality product

NHU adopts proprietary processes for the production of taurine, which is more energy-saving and environmentally friendly and effectively reduces impurities and waste, contributing to the preservation of a green earth. We constantly improve our sound and scientific quality management system to make sure that the quality of every batch of products is strictly controlled, building a defense line of food safety and human health.

Various combination

NHU’s taurine can be used together with vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 to add more energy to functional drinks; with vitamin A and lutein to protect vision; with vitamin D3, vitamin C, and some other nutrients to effectively enhance immunity of human body.

Thoughtful service

NHUs human nutrition and health team has been deeply engaged in the fields of beverage, fortified food, early life nutrition and health, dietary supplements, etc. We provide customized services and technical support to our customers, empowering them to achieve bigger success.



As an ambassador in the field of nutrition and health,

NHU has been acting the mission of Chemistry for a Better Life. 

We convey new concept to people

and unlock new solutions of nutrition and health,

securing the health of people with technological innovation. 

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